Richard Barr clinical negligence solicitor
Scott-Moncrieff & Associates Ltd.

Here are details of some of the cases I have won for my clients. All names have been anonymised:
Mr ABC. Retired gentleman. Hospital wrongly diagnosed that he had lung cancer, then removed one of his lungs. Only afterwards did they discover he did not have cancer at all, so the removal of the lung was unnecessary. Compensation £75,000.
Mr BCD. Hospital misinterpreted a heart function test and said that he had a healthy heart, whereas he had a blockage and needed surgery to clear it. Surgery took place a few months later and corrected the problem, but in the meantime he had a painful and unpleasant time: Compensation £10,000.
Mrs CDE. Elderly lady given an injection into her arm which caused nerve damage, restricting her activities and taking away her independence. Unfortunately she died a few months afterwards. Compensation: £20,000
Mrs DEF: hip replacement went wrong causing her some nerve damage that made walking and some household activities difficult. £15,000 in compensation.
Mrs EFG: she presented to her doctor with a lump in her breast. The doctor failed to make an appropriate referral. Unfortunately her breast cancer was already well established by the time she first went to the doctor. The doctor was clearly negligent but it was impossible to prove that the delay in referral would have made any difference to the outcome: compensation £25,000
Mrs FGH: Elderly lady suffered a reaction to her antibiotics that caused a rupture of her tendons. Her doctor failed to act on her symptoms and kept her on the drugs. She was left with lasting disabilities: Compensation £100,000.
Mr GHI: tradesman in his mid 30s. Surgeon caused nerve damage during an operation causing him foot drop and making it difficult to carry out his trade. Compensation £335,000
Mr HJK: surgeon carried out a vascular operation and mistakenly connected an artery to a vein putting the viability of his leg at risk. Corrective surgery later put the matter right but not before he had suffered some years of pain and discomfort: Compensation £80,000.
All of these clients receive 100% of their compensation without any deduction.
Note. These are real cases of mine and the compensation is the actual amount paid, but many factors make up the appropriate level of compensation and every case is different.